Does anyone else get annoyed at the youth of today with their britches down so far you can see their BVD's. Now, I may be just getting old. I have been tolerate over the years of the occasional plumber's or oldman crack. I didn't like it, but simply chose to accept that sometimes crack happens!
To knowingly go out of the house with your pants down is just wrong. Wearing your jeans so low that others can see your tramp stamp announcing the arrival of your crack show is just wrong.
You are all probaly wondering what brought on this rant about crack. I recently attended a basketball game. One of the young men playing would display his BVD's everytime he would go for a shot or a rebound. There was a plump middle aged lady sitting on the bleachers in front of me that was wearing a pair of low rise jeans. Not only did she have a poorly executed tramp stamp, but also the string of her severely over-stretched thong was pronouncing to the world the arrival of her butt crack to the scene.
I resisted all urges to aim and execute a skittle at the rather ample target. I also did not yell at boy to pull up his D@%# pants. Why must I have to tolerate this social injustice? Please tell me WHY?
*photo courtesy of the "Pull Your Pants Up" cause on Facebook.
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