Monday, March 3, 2008

David Letterman's Top Ten Things Not to Do at a Funeral

10. Stand on the deceased's father-in-law's headstone during the graveside services.

9. Take pictures of the mourners while they are crying.

8. Take pictures of the deceased in their coffin.

7. Yell at your spouse during the processal.

6. Sit on the front row, taking up the space that should have gone to the deceased parents.

5. Re-arrange and add your own items to the displays set up by family of the deceased.

4. Tell others that you are sure that the deceased spouse will lose their house because of the medical bills.

3. Donate a burial plot and then brag about it.

2. Put items into the casket without the prior approval of the deceased family

1. At the closing of the casket, wail loudly, wave your arms, and block access to the deceased's family members, so the they are unable to say their last goodbyes.

Yep.............................Nuf' Said.

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